


Ancona (Marche):

Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche

1 The only egyptian antiquity in this museum is a head from a small statue of the god Ptah. Thanks to D. Nannini


Aosta (Valle d 'Aosta): 

MAR Museo Archeologico Regionale

2 This museum contains a statuette of a Ba-bird and a bronze statuette, both found on excavations in the area of the ancient Augusta Pretoria (today Aosta). Thanks to Dario Nannini


Aquileia (Friuli-Venezia Giulia):

Il Museo Archeologico di Aquileia



Ascoli Piceno (Marche):

Museo Archeologico Statale di Ascoli Piceno

13 Three bronze statuettes of Isis-Fortuna and 1 of Mercury-Djehuty, a pendant with head of a woman and another one with the godess Bastet, alabaster vessel, coloured glass with a depiction of Zeus-Serapis and 4 shabti's.


Asola (Lombardia):

Museo Civico "Goffredo Bellini"

1 This museum holds a stone funerary stela of Kuy (1st Intermediate Period). Thanks to Dario Nannini


Assisi (Umbria):

Museo del Foro Romano e Collezione Archeologica


Biblioteca Comunale di Assisi

? on display

A few papyri and a funerary cone from the tomb of Nakht TT52.


Asti (Piemonte):

Museo Archeologico e Paleontologico

+100 The egyptian collection includes a mummy and anthropoid coffin of Ankhpakhered from Akhmim (22nd dynasty), another anonymous mummy in his anthropoid coffin ( 21st dynasty) of unknown provenance, canopic jars, a series of religious and funerary objects. Thanks to D. Nannini.


Benevento (Campania):

Museo del Sannio



 Bergamo (Lombardia):

Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo

  Due to "lac of space" the collection is not on display. This museum has a small collection of egyptian antiquities, including ushabty figures, amulets, scarabs, bronze statuettes of deities and a mummy in his anthropoid coffin of Ankhekhonsu from Thebes (22nd dynasty). Thanks to D. Nannini


 Biassono (Lombardia):

Museo Civico "Carlo Verri"

  Contains a shabti, a funerary mask and some Roman period coins.


Biella (Piemonte):

Museo del Territorio Biellese



 Bologna (Emilia-Romagna):

Museo Civico Archeologico



Bra (Piemonte):

Museo Civico di Palazzo Traversa

? on display Lower legs and feet of a mummified child en two amulets (one of the god bes); the amulets were formerly held in the Museo Civico Craveri from which a small group of bronze statuettes was stolen in 1972.


Brescia (Lombardia):

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale

  Egyptian animal mummies and parts of human mummies are exhibited in this museum.


Brixen (Trentino Alte-Adige):


1 on display?

Part of a mummy.


Calsi (Toscane):

Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università di Pisa

1? (not yet) on display

The mummy (skeleton) of Kenamun, High Steward of Amenhotep II is kept here.


 Casale-Monferrato (Piemonte):

Museo Civico e Gipsoteca Bistolfi



Castellammare di Stabia (Campania):

Antiquarium Stabiano

? It is believed this museum contains egyptian objects. Unconfirmed yet.


Catanzaro (Calabria):

Museo Provinciale

  The archaeological collection includes some egyptian scarabs found in excavations at the site of Crichi. Thanks to Dario Nannini


Cernusco Sul Naviglio (Lombardia):

Museo Civico

+100 Small collection of about 100 objects. Various ushabty, bronze statuettes of various deities, amulets, necklaces, a face from an anthropoid coffin and a bed. Thanks to Dario Nannini


Como (Lombardia):

Museo Civico Archeologico “Paolo Giovio”



Cortona (Toscane):

Museo dell Accademia Etrusca

+ 400 The egyptian collection counts about 400 objects and comes from two separate sources: the collection of the priest Guido Corbelli, ambassador for the Pope in Egypt and Syria, later bishop of Cortona, exhibited in rooms 13 and 14, and a collection of about 30 amulets donated by a private collector, exhibited in room 3. The Corbelli collection includes objects from the Predynastic to the Coptic Period and comprises stone and pottery vessels, a limestone head from a 1st Intermediate period statue of a man, 16 funerary cones, private statuary in stone, wood models from the Middle Kingdom, stelae, relief fragments, bronze and wood figures of divinities, a New Kingdom linen tunic, sandals, two anthropoid coffins ( 21st and 26th dynasty), two wrapped mummies (Ptolemaic and Roman), 5 funerary papyri, about 100 ushabty figures of various material and period, amulets, scarabs, pottery moulds for amulets, canopic jars, an offering table, wooden masks from anthropoid coffins, Saint Mena's bottles, objects of daily life. (Thanks to Dario Nannini.)


Crema (Lombardia):

Museo Civico di Crema e del Cremasco

? (100+) on display  Flint tools, faience tile from Djoser Pyramid, two wooden statuettes,  offering table from Middle Kingdom, from the lLate Period: amulets, bronze statuettes, many objects from Graeco-Roman period.


 Cremona (Lombardia):

Museo Civico “Ala Ponzone”

8 (6 on display)  5 shabti's and an 1 Ankh-amulet are on display, 2 shabti's are in storage.


 Domodossola (Piemonte):

Museo Galletti di Palazzo Silvia

1 Contains a shabti of Djedptahefanch, 21st dyn. from the Deir-el Bahari cache.


Erba (Lombardia):

Museo Civico Archeologico

  The small egyptian collection includes some ushabty figures, fragments of human mummies and a Saint Mena's bottle. Thanks to Dario Nannini


Faenza (Emilia Romagna):

Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche

? It is believed this museum contains egyptian objects. Unconfirmed yet.


Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna):

Palazzo Schifanoia

  the egyptian collection includes objects from the 5th Dynasty to the Ptolemaic Period of funerary and cultual context. (Thanks to Dario Nannini).


Fiesole (Toscane):

Museo Missionario San Francesco

+200 The egyptian collection is exhibited in one room and counts about 200 objects, all from the Theban area ( the Franciscan monks of the Fiesolan Order have a church and a school in the center of Luxor, near the police station). In the egyptian room : stone and pottery vessels (Predynastic, Old Kingdom and New Kingdom), wooden faces from anthropoid coffins (Late Period), headrest, various ushabty figures, bronze and wood statuettes of gods, basketry, sandals, amulets, a complete anthropoid coffin and a wrapped mummy (26th dynasty or later). Thanks to Dario Nannini


Firenze (Toscane):

Museo Egizio

Istituto Papyrologico "Girolamo Vitelli" +4.000 Institute of the University of Florence. The collection counts more than 4000 egyptian documents on papyrus, ostraka, leather and wood tablets. A museum is planned for opening in a short time, and will feature the archeological collection from the excavations of the institute at the sites of Arsinoe and Antinoe in the years between 1964 and 1966. The institute's archaeological collection features several hundreds of objects dating from the Ptolemaic to the Coptic periods. In the museum will be exhibited pottery jars and bowls, statuettes, cosmetic bottles, oil lamps, sandals, votive offerings in wood, glass and bronze.  (Thanks to Dario Nannini) Contains a copy of the "Book of the Fayum".
Museo Stibbert ? on display Almost hidden beneath a staircase in the Room of the Condottiere is a small Collection of Egtyptian Antiquities, including at least 3 coffins and some statuettes.


Genova (Liguria):

Museo di Archeologia Ligure

+50 The egyptian collection is exhibited in room 13 and includes : 4 ushabty, 7 bronze statuettes, 1 bronze mirror, 4 faience statuettes, several amulets, a head and a bust from  royal statues (New Kingdom), 3 wood elements from furniture and musical instrument, 2 necklaces, 2 wrapped mummies, the anthropoid coffin, mummy, magic beadnet and cult statue of Pasheieniset (26th dynasty). Thanks to Dario Nannini
Raccolte Papirologiche dell' Universita' Not public This collection is not public! The papyrological collection consists in two groups of materials arrived at the university in two different periods. The first group arrived in the 1950's and  comprises more than 100 documents. This group is kept in the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. The second group is in the Faculty of Law and counts several hundreds of fragmentary documents of Greek, Roman and Byzantine periods. Thanks to Dario Nannini


Grottaferrata (Lazio):

Museo dell’Abbazia

1? Lower part of a statue of Seti I


Lacco Ameno (Campania):

Museo Archeologico di Pithecusae

  The museum's collection includes egyptian scarabs found on excavations of the site of Pithecusae, on the Ischia Island. Thanks to Dario Nannini One with the name of Bakenrenef from the 24th dynasty


La Spezia (Liguria):

Civico Museo del Sigillo

  This museum opened in year 2000 to exhibit the Lilian and Euro Cappellini collection of seals. This collection includes also a selection of several egyptian scarabs in stone and faience. (Thanks to Dario Nannini)
Museo Civico "Amedeo lia" 57 (1 on display) This museum has 57 egyptian antiquities. The oldest are 6 arrow heads made of flint (Predynastic). Other objects are : some vessels in pottery and stone, a large calcite alabastron, a linen strip inscribed with the name of Petosiris (26th dynasty), various amulets and scarabs, a painted wooden face of the god Bes, some coptic objects. (Thanks to Dario Nannini) Only the head of a statuette of Harpocrates is on display (may 2018). Of interest is also a Roman bust of a priest of Isis.
Museo Archeologico Castello San Giorgio ?? on display This museum has 57 egyptian antiquities. The oldest are 6 arrow heads made of flint (Predynastic). Other objects are : some vessels in pottery and stone, a large calcite alabastron, a linen strip inscribed with the name of Petosiris (26th dynasty), various amulets and scarabs, a painted wooden face of the god Bes, some coptic objects. (Thanks to Dario Nannini)


Lecce (Apulia):

Museo Papirologico

330 Contains 330 papyri from Ptolomaic mummy cartonnages.


Lodi (Lombardia):

Museo Civico

2 Closed for restoration! In the second room of the museum there is one ushabty and one bronze figure of the god Nefertum. Thanks to Dario Nannini


Lucca (Toscana):

Museo di Storia Naturale

1 (Open upon request) This museum contains the unwrapped mummy and anthropoid coffin of Heruamen (25th/26th dynasty) and another anonymous mummy, both from Thebes, donated to the museum by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopold II in 1849. Thanks to D. Nannini


Mantova (Lombardia):

Museo di Palazzo Ducale


Museo di Palazzo Te

 523 This egyptian collection counts more than 500 objects covering all periods from the Predynastic to the Roman. It includes sculptures in stone, wood and bronze, some inscribed with royal names. Also funerary and daily life objects, papyri, amulets. Objects from this collection appear very often on Ancient Egypt themed exhibitions, like the recently closed "Nefer, The Woman In Ancient Egypt" held in Milan. (Thanks to Dario Nannini)


Milano (Lombardia):

Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena

1 The archives of this hospital contain a book of the dead papyrus (Papyrus "Busca"). Appointment needed. For study purposes only.

Pinacoteca di Brera

17 on display In room XI pre-dynastic vases are on display.

Pinacoteca Ambrosiana

4 on display Has two shabti's and two scarabs on display.

Museo Archeologico Castello Sforzesco


Museo di Zoologia (Centro Musei delle Scienze Naturali e Fisiche)

2 on display? 2 mummified crocodile heads


Modena (Emilia Romagna):

Museo Civico Archeologico Etnologico

Galleria Estense   Contains an anthropoid stone coffin. Thanks to Dario Nannini


Moncalieri (Piemonte):

Real Collegio Carlo Alberto

  This is a private collection !!


 Napels (Campania):

Museo Archeologico Nazionale


Museo Orientale Umberto Scerrato (Università degli studi di Napoli)



Narni (Umbria): 

Museo della Citta' di Narni

1 In this museum there is a mummy with a not pertinent anthropoid coffin (Ptolemaic). Thanks to D. Nannini


Ostia (Lazio):

Museo Ostiense

1? Contains at least 1 ancient egyptian artefact: a shist statuette of Osiris with name of Psammetik. The museum holds also several egyptianizing objects of Roman production.


Padova (Veneto):

Museo Civico di Padova

  The egyptian collection is dedicated to Giovanni Battista Belzoni (born in Padova), and is exhibited in two rooms. It includes ushabty figures, scarabs, papyri, bronze figures of gods, necklaces, amulets, fragments of decorated coffins, wood and terracotta statuetttes, relief fragments, stone statues including one of the goddess Sekhmet, one bronze situla, one stela, one mummy's "magic net", canopic jars (21st and 22nd Dynasty), an anthropoid coffin of Meresamun (26th Dynasty). (Thanks to Dario Nannini)
Museo di Antropologia dell' Universita' di Padova 3 This museum contains three mummies, one anthropoid coffin (Ptolemaic) and fragments of other human and animal mummies.
Museo di Scienze Archeologiche e d&rsquoArte dell&rsquoUniversità di Padova  


 Parma (Emilia-Romagna):

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Antichità

+ 100 The egyptian collection counts more than 100 objects and is exhibited in one room. Scarabs, stone and painted wood stelae, funerary papyri, faience jewelry, amulets, canopic jars, one rectangular coffin (12th dynasty), one anthropoid coffin of Shepsesptah (26th Dynasty), one anthropoid coffin with mummy (Ptolemaic), a 18th dynasty tomb relief of Amenemonet. (Thanks to Dario Nannini).


 Pavia (Lombardia):

Museo di Archeologia dell&rsquo Università di Pavia (Sistema Museale di Ateneo di Pavia)

16 6 funerary statuettes, 2 papyrus fragments, mummy of a young woman (20-22 y.o.) from the Ptolemaic Period and the head of a boy (13-16 y.o.) from the late Roman Period.

Castello Visconteo

+ 150 The egyptian antiquities were collected by Marquis Malaspina and count about 150 objects including papyri, canopic jars, amulets and bronze figures of various divinities. Thanks to D. Nannini


Pescia (Toscane):

Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali

5? Ushabti of I'h-ms nfr-shmt 27th dyn, bronze situla 27th dyn, bronze statuette of the god Nefertum 27th dyn?, Osiris statuette 27th dyn?, Ushabti 27th dyn?


 Pisa (Toscane):

Collezioni Egittologiche "Edda Bresciani" dell'Università di Pisa

Museo dell' Opera del Duomo  
Museo di Anatomia Umana 3 on display 2 mummies, one of them with coffin


Ravenna (Emilia-Romagna):

Museo Nazionale

on display 2 local finds, head of Zeus-Serapis and a bronze statuette of isis-Fortuna; in the kabinet of Curiosities a bronze statuette of Amun-Min, a Djed-pillar amulet, shabtis and a scarab amulet; In another section the mask of a mummy cartonnage + remains of a mummy cartonnage, 2 amulets, shabtis, 2 statuettes.


Reggio Emilia (Emilia Romagna)

Museo "Gaetano Chierici" di Paletnologia (Pallazzo dei Musei)

102 The oldest object is an offering table from the Middle Kingdom. The other objects are: a funerary cone of Userhat (18th dynasty), 14 ushabty (20th dyn. to Late Period), 2 bronze situlae, 13 bronze figures of various deities, 65 amulets and 6 scarabs. (Thanks to Dario Nannini).


Rimini (Emilia-Romagna):

Museo della Città

1 Contains a fragmentary statue of Psammetik II, a medalion of Jupiter-Amon and a Nilotic Mosaic depicting Anubis a.o. things.


 Rome (Lazio):

Musei Vaticani - Museo Gregoriano Egizio


Museo Barracco


Musei Capitolini


Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Altemps


Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano

photogallery/TermediDiocleziano/index.html 1 on display Amulet of Ptah-Patek found in a tomb at the cemetery of Osteria del'Osa to the east of Rome in the Lazio province. Of te Roman Isis cult a statue of the goddess isis and a funerary alatar of a priestess of Isis are on display.

Museo di Egitto e Vicino Oriente


Museum of the Egyptian Academy in Rome

Temporary exhibitions

Museo di Storia della Medicina

  The objects on display are on loan from the Muzeo Egizio of Turin.


Rovereto (Trentino-Alto Adige):

Museo Civico di Rovereto



 Rovigo (Veneto):

Museo dell Academia dei Concordi



San Marino (Repubblica di San Marino):

Museo di Stato

+ 120 The egyptian collection is exhibited in room 14 and counts about 120 objects. A group of ushabty, some bronze statuettes of deities, 65 amulets, one heart scarab, and 23 beautifully decorated Saint Mena's bottles (coptic). Thanks to Dario Nannini.


San Sepolcro (Toscana):

Aboca Museum

  Museum of the Aboca Cosmetic Society, founded in 2003. It has a collection of egyptian antiquities on permanent loan from the Museo Egizio of Florence, including vessels, shouldered kohl pots, tweezers, a razor, an anthropoid coffin, a face from an anthropoid coffin, sculptures in wood and stone. Note : at the moment  all 14  artifacts are on a long term touring exhibition and not housed in the museum. Thanks to Dario Nannini.


Sesto Calende (Lombardia):

Museo Civico

  Currently closed for renovation.


Sorrento (Campania):

Museo Civivo "Correale di Terranova"

2 on display  The lower half of a basalt kneeling statue of Seti I offering an altar. From the surviving inscriptions we know that originally this statue  was placed in the Seti temple at Abydos and part of a statue of Padiamenope, famous owner of TT33 from the 25th dyn, with inscriptions


Susa (Piemonte):

Museo Civico

  This museum has a small egyptian collection exhibited in room 7. Thanks to Dario Nannini


 Tagliacozzo (Abruzzo):

Museo Orientale

  This collection consists of small objects and fragments of larger ones, collected in Egypt by the monks of Tagliacozzo Abbey in the first half of the 20th century. (Thanks to Dario Nannini)


 Taranto (Puglia):

Museo Nazionale di Taranto



Tarquinia (Lazio):

Museo Etrusco

<10 The small collection counts less than 10 objects, found in the so-called "Tomba del vaso Bocchoris" in the Tarquinian necropolis. The star piece is a blue faience jar decorated with figures of gods, plants and animals, inscribed with the names of the 24th dynasty pharaoh Wahkare Bakenrenef (gr. Bocchoris). Thanks to Dario Nannini


Torcello (Veneto):

Museo Provinciale di Torcello

  Bronze statuettes and ceramics.


Trento (Trentino-Alto Adige):

Castello del Buonconsiglio

? on display Stelae, funerary masks, jewelry, animal and human mummy remains, shabtis and amulets.


Trieste (Friuli-Venezia Giulia):

Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte



Torino (Piemonte):

Museo Egizio

32.500 (6.500 on display)

Museo di Antichità di Torino

  Local finds e.g. fragmentary Systrum and artwork from Egypt in Roman style.

Museo di Antropologia ed Etnografia (Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Biologia animale e dell'Uomo)

+2.000 Open only on reservation. Guided tours only. This is the fourth collection in the world of egyptian human remains. It consists of 650 complete skeletons (39 skeletons are Neolithic Age), 1300 skulls, 80 mummy heads, 5 complete Predynastic mummies, 15 mummies of various pharaonic ages. This material comes from excavations in Asyut and Gebelein. (Thanks to Dario Nannini).


Varallo (Piemonte):

Museo di Storio Naturale Calderini



Varese (Lombardia):

Museo privato "Lodovico Pogliaghi"

  Currently closed for renovation. The egyptian collection is made of several small objects and some beautiful anthropoid coffins. Thanks to Dario Nannini

Museo Baroffio E Del Santuario Del Sacromonte Sopra Varese

  8 statuettes in bronze and terracotta.


Venice (Veneto):

Museo Archeologico

Museo del Monastero "Mekhitarista Armeno" +60 The egyptian collection features about 60 objects, and includes : a beautiful complete anthropoid coffin (26th dynasty), a wrapped mummy of the same period, with head and feet exposed, and its magical net still in place. Also mummified organic remains (probably the contents of a canopic jar), bronze statuettes, faience amulets, lids from canopic jars, pottery oil lamps (Roman), one bronze statuette of a cat and various ushabty. Thanks to Dario Nannini
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 3 Mummy of a priestess of Sobek and two crocodile mummies.
Tesoro di San Marco   In the San Marco's Treasure there is a jar of the persian king Artaxerses I, inscribed in hieroglyphs.


Vercelli (Piemonte):

Museo Leone

+250 The egyptian collection counts some 250 objects, including wooden statuettes, ushabty, faience jewellery, amulets, animal mummies and small stone sculptures. Thanks to Dario Nannini


Verona (Veneto):

Museo Lapidario Maffeiano

1 on display A basalt back pillar of a priest statue from Heliopolis.

Museo Archeologico del Teatro Romano

  In this museum there are "egyptianized" fragments from excavations at the site of the Iseum and Serapeum in Verona. (Thanks to Dario Nannini)


 Viadana (Lombardia):

Museo Civico





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